ode to summer + photos

I love the summer. The sun coming down on me real heavy. The dewy sweat on my chest and arms. The overlapping music blasting out of cars and parks all over. Never being at home because why would I be when it’s so beautiful out? Showing skin and looking hot. Feeling like I can do anything anywhere at any time. And the people. When the days get warmer it’s like everyone releases the breath they’ve been holding through the cold days. And they’re all lighter for it. Freer to do what they want. They care less. I care less. Strangers become friends. Strangers become lovers. Strangers, friends, and lovers all find themselves out in these hot and humid city streets on hot and humid city nights celebrating being together and being free.

That’s why I love the summer. But as they say nothing is forever. The ACs aren’t on 24/7 anymore and sweaters not worn in months are coming out of the closet. While many people look forward to layering and holidays around now, I start dreading intrusive thoughts and being tired all the time. Last winter was especially hard for me. Watching hours go by, caught in endless thought loops. Doing just enough to keep this earthly vessel alive. I wasn’t really there. I was flying from the highest point of my mind, my tether stretched too thin from being up there all the time. I needed something to pull me back in, to remind me that I exist here, on Earth, and not in the treacherous, reality-warping parts of my mind.

So I got a camera. A Minolta X-370 I bought off Craigslist. I figured it would force me to look at the world with care. To not just look, but to see and understand that I’m here. Looking at my world through the camera made me feel connected again. I was back on the ground, housed within myself. It helped that I was literally staring at the ground noticing the small things. This time around, I won’t let myself fall to the dread. But if I do, I’ll remind myself that the beauty of life I witness on summer nights doesn’t go anywhere. Although it doesn’t dance all up on you the same way, it’s all around, subtle and begging for you to see it.

For photos I’ve taken since last winter, please have a look at the new Photos page.

Fresh biscuits in the oven

You’re at your apartment door, cold and wet from the blizzard raging outside. You fumble with your keys and almost drop them a few times. How irritating – you made sure to wear your best gloves, yet your fingers are numb, clumsy little things right now. You finally manage to unlock that door and swing it open wide with an extra loud sigh – everyone ought to know you’ve arrived and aren’t amused.

But before you can stomp in with your waterlogged boots, warm air rushes past to fill the absence of heat behind you. And with it the buttery scent of biscuits pushes its way up your nostrils. You inhale that intoxicating smell deep into your lungs and let out a warm breath. Your stomach grumbles. Why were you so annoyed again?

How y’all doing today? The body fine? The kids alright? If all is well, I’m glad. If not, I hope things get better soon. However you may be feeling right now, thank you for taking the time to be here with me. Welcome to my website y’all.

I spent the past couple of months reading my stories, editing, and building out this site, and now I can hardly believe we’re ready to go live. I almost don’t want to let the site fly. It’s mine after all, my name’s up there in bold. There’s always something to adjust or change, but I know that it’ll never be complete unless I let it go. In writing this I realize how much this process helped me cope with the irritations of life and the uncertainties of my mind, giving me a clear goal to focus on for a little while. This website is my very own fresh biscuit baked with love during a raging storm. I hope you enjoy eating it as much as I enjoyed baking it. It’s mine, but now it’s yours as well.

I invite you to have a look around. Under Shorts you’ll find some of my stories. As the name suggests, they’re short reads. But please take your time with them, because that’s it for now. Stay tuned for more from me down the line – I’ll be adding things as I create them. Check the What’s New page to be in the know. The goal is for this site to be an echo of my journey through life as a creative being. As I grow, so will the site.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about my stories, the website, anything really. Feel free to send me a note or DM me on Instagram.

Thanks again for stopping by.